- All donors will be invited to the trail opening ceremony independently of the amount of
their donation.
- All donors will be included in the "Friends of Darb Mar Charbel
International" once
created, and will be invited to all events organized around the world
The gratitude monument will be erected in a prominent place, with easy access to
visitors. A central monument/sculpture/art installation, sourced in Lebanon, will be
erected, and pavers/bricks will be installed around it. According to paver size, donors will
be allotted a certain number of letters to be etched on each paver/brick and can request
names, dates, a quote, "in memory of…" etc. The Gratitude Monument will be a serene
place to reflect, meditate and look up the names of loved ones and families of those who
made this project possible. This will be a central feature of the trail project, that will bring
recognition, pride and remembrance for our children and the next generations
Planting of a cedar forest is being developed and recognition will be displayed on group
plaques, or individually, according to donor grouping outline.